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Museum of Photography

The Museum of Photography was established in 2015 as a collection institution of the Central European House of Photography (SEDF), the aim of which is to build a collection of photographs by authors who were active from the second half of the 20th century up to contemporary personalities of the photographic scene. The museum receives the photographs in the form of donations from living photographers or the descendants of deceased photographers.

On June 1, 2016, the Museum opened its exhibition spaces in the SEDF building. It began with exhibition and research activities, which resulted in several realized exhibitions (The Beginnings of Photography in Slovakia, Košice-Bohumín Railway, Gustáv Matz, Bratislava and Photography 1839 – 1918, Vojtech Alexander, 100 Years of Photographic Technology and more) and the project of the web portal BAAT – Bratislava Photographic Studios.

The ambition of the Museum of Photography is to acquaint the general public with the beginnings of photography, to bring connect experts and institutions that deal with this topic and to provide space for the presentation and research of new knowledge in the history of Slovak photography of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.